Professional Data Management System for High Loads

Key advantages

  • 99.99% system availability
  • Integration with any data sources
  • Optimized for high bandwidth (over 10 000 requests/sec.
  • Compatible with PostgreSQL and supports its connectors

Picodata solutions enable you to do more

  • Get precise profiles of your users
  • Enhance availability of you services
  • Secure your enterprise communications
We create and support solutions based on the In-Memory Data Grid model

We create and support solutions based on the In-Memory Data Grid model

The Picodata company was established by seasoned IT specialists with a long-term expertise in creating and maintaining enterprise-grade open source software.

We stake out the In-Memory Data Grid (IMDG) solutions market where our company has developed a unique level of expertise. Our team brings together skilled professionals in various fields: operations engineers, developers, business architects and the strongest platform development team.

Together we strive to offer the unprecedented level of care, attention, and technical support to all our customers worldwide.

Our partners

We are committed to trust and mutual benefits with all our business partners no matter of their size or market share.