Picodata LLC certificates
Accreditation in Rosreestr
We have a certified copy of an entry of Picodata LLC from the Unified State Register provided by the The Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) of Russia.
Compliance with ISO 9001
Picodata LLC is certified to comply with the requirements for quality management systems defined in the ISO:9001-2015 standard.
PICODATA trademark registration in USPTO
Picodata LLC has registered its main trademark PICODATA in the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
Picodata compatibility with Red OS
Picodata LLC and Red Soft LLC has issued the certificate of acknowledgement, which declares that the Picodata software is compatible with Red OS 7.3.
Picodata compatibility with Alt Linux systems
Picodata LLC and BaseALT SPO LLC has issued two separate certificates of acknowledgement, and declare that the Picodata software is compatible with the following two software products made by BaseALT LLC:
Alt Linux Server 10 (download the certificate)
Alt Linux 8 SP (download the certificate)
Picodata compatibility with Astra Linux SE
Picodata LLC and RusBitech-Astra LLC confirm
operability and correctness of joint functioning of the operating system Astra Linux Special Edition RUSB.10015-01
(regular update 1.7) and Picodata 22.11 software.