Picodata 24.4 is out!

Артур Сабиров

The Picodata development team is pleased to announce the release of Picodata 24.4, our core software product.

Key feature — Pgproto module that allows connecting to the Picodata cluster via PostgreSQL protocol:

picodata run --pg-listen localhost:5432
psql "user=postgres host=localhost port=5432 password=P@ssw0rd sslmode=disable"


New features of distributed Picodata SQL:

Configuration file in YAML format — a new way to configure instances and clusters in addition to environment variables and command-line arguments. Relevant features:

  • picodata config default command generates the contents of a configuration file with default parameter values
  • picodata run --config option provides a path to the configuration file
  • picodata run -c option selectively overrides configuration file parameters

See the full list of changes in the CHANGELOG for this release.

Get a hand on Picodata 24.4 by downloading the pre-built packages for supported Linux distributions in the download section at our site.

You can find installation advisory as well as documentation for installing software, creating instances, cluster configuration and deployment at our dedicated documentation site.

Send your feedback and get in touch with Picodata developers in our Telegram chat at @picodataen or @picodataru.