New libre Oracle SQL connector for Tarantool is out!

Александр Толстой

Picodata developers are pleased to announce the first public release
of the open-source Oracle SQL Connector for Tarantool. This project provides a
module and a shared library that allows you to make
SQL queries from Tarantool to Oracle and provides interaction between
these database systems.

Oracle SQL connector for Tarantool is the first Open
Source solution with such functionality. It supports
automatic conversion of basic Oracle data types to Lua types and
allows you to make SQL queries from Lua applications or Tarantool console.

We provide manuals and other materials on the available driver functions and its API, examples of
queries, as well as instructions on how to install the driver on Linux
and macOS, all to be found at the project’s Github page.

We welcome your contribution including pull and merge requests! Feel free to get in touch with us and provide feedback in our Telegram channel at @picodataru!